
Luke 6:27 “But I say to you who hear: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you,”

   Jesus directs his words to those who hear. In other words He knows some of His hearers were truly listening, actually taking His teaching to heart. And what does He say to them? He gives them one of the most difficult commands to keep.
   Indeed, how does the Lord Jesus expect us to genuinely follow such a command? We have many in our day who will keep it in their flesh, being their best selves. They will use tactics of the flesh and mind to discipline themselves to be nice to everyone, even their bitterest enemies. But is that truly what is being taught here? Is it enough to coax the meanness out of ourselves? Or is Christ calling for something more?
   What is it that Jesus has done? He has made a way of redemption available to the bitterest of God’s human enemies. He has suffered at the hands of His creations. Above anyone He has shown what it means to love one’s enemies, and to do good for those who hate you. Make no mistake here, Jesus alone has made it possible for us to live by this dictum. Only by new life in Christ may we have a heart and soul that can truly love the unlovable. Don’t get this wrong. Don’t try to manufacture a love that you are incapable of without Him.
   We live in a time where men are trying to have practical goodness without true holiness. Decency has been transformed and elevated. Intolerance has been named tolerance, and good evil. All is on its head. The ‘nicest’ folks are diabolically evil, and yet it is so hard to see. But it is life in Christ that truly makes love possible.

   Heavenly Father, thank You for life in Christ! Without it we have no hope to live right before You. We can only shadow what You intend, and end up in a deeper hole. Oh Father, make us students of Your truth! You have all that we need. We will seek to You for our souls and find the great rewarding treasure of Your Word. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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