
Luke 6:29 “To him who strikes you on the one cheek, offer the other also. And from him who takes away your cloak, do not withhold your tunic either.”

   The followers of Christ are not to resist persecution. Force and faith are not to be mixed. To be sure Jesus will indeed establish His kingdom. And force will be involved, but a force beyond all imagining. He will rule with power that Satan himself cannot resist. But now, as his followers, we are to never mix the sword and the cross.
   And why? Because we minister to a world that is condemned to destruction. There is no purpose in resistance, and every purpose in mercy. Believers must do all possible to help this world understand the desperate situation it is in. Offer the other cheek, hoping the beater will think before striking again, and knowing even if he doesn’t, you have done the will of the Master.
   Unfortunately passages like this have been distorted to teach how to handle bullies, or how to take tongue-lashings. Though to be sure Christians should handle these problems well, the Bible is much more than a self-help book. Jesus is interested in more than teaching you how to win friends and influence people. He has given us marching orders as the members of a great and everlasting kingdom that is coming to this broken universe.

   Heavenly Father, give us the upward look that will put our lives into perspective. We look at Your Great Glory and see Your Almighty Power. Thrice Holy You are! May we gaze towards Your holy dominion for all of eternity! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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