
Luke 6:36 “Therefore be merciful, just as your Father also is merciful.”

   This is one of the most powerful teachings of Christ. Jesus actually expects people to be like God. How can He possibly expect this? It is unfathomable! But, this is exactly what is in view.
   Here we see another theme in the sermon. Jesus teaches people to do things that just are not humanly possible. He sets standards so high that we wonder how any one could ever be expected to reach it. Why?
   Well He is setting His disciples up to understand redemption. He is leading on to the idea of the empowering of the Holy Spirit. He is building the groundwork for the Christian life. It is this very kind of talk that fits so well with the significant truth that to be in Christ is to be a new creation. Our old ways are to pass away, and we become new. Though the natural man still awaits the redemption of the flesh, the spiritual man is, by being made alive, emboldened and enabled to do all that Christ will here ask of him or her.
   Mercy is for sure a human activity. In other words, it is something we do. But, imperfectly. Not like God does it. Not without an admixture of selfishness. Here Christ asks for more. Without redemption by His blood, nobody could possibly think about this quality of mercy.

   Heavenly Father, as we look at Your qualities, we are so overwhelmed. Your perfection is so high and great it is staggering to us. But, You, in Your greatly powerful wisdom, You have made it possible for us to live an altogether different life. Oh how can we ever imagine the future! I am so blessed by what You have made possible now, I cannot even handle imagining too much of what You have for the future. But what I can imagine, and understand from Your Word, is enough to keep me busy. Thank You! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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