
Luke 7:10 “And those who were sent, returning to the house, found the servant well who had been sick.”

   It is quite interesting here how Luke chooses to report the event of the actual healing. He does not here record what Jesus said to the servants in regards to the healing itself. We know from Matthew’s account that Jesus did let them know they could go back and find the servant healed. But Luke chooses not to include that detail. Why?
   Luke was a fairly detailed historian, and one would think he would include all of the details he had. However, Luke does not here include this particular part of the account for two reasons. First, it was superfluous. It goes without saying that if the servant was healed, this was a result of Christ’s power. But, secondly, and more significantly, Luke left it out to highlight it. To highlight it? Yes. Its absence reminds Luke’s readers not only that Jesus could heal over a distance, but also that the healing need not be tied to any action on Christ’s part. He didn’t have to say something to accomplish it. He didn’t have to snap His fingers or twitch His nose. There was no requirement that He perform any prescribed action.
   And why is this so significant? It is so very important because it points out that His power is His own. He is by nature the Lord of Glory. His power is innate. The only thing we do see is His submission to the Father, but that is a part of the plan of the ages. This operation of the Trinity does not limit Christ in an artificial way. So, He has no need for some outward effort to perform the most amazing of miracles. It is naturally within His ability. The very Word of God is what He is, and as such He has the power to frame the worlds in the very word of His mouth. But even at that it is enough for Him to think it and will it for it to be reality.

   Heavenly Father, we are awed by the beauty and power of Your Christ! You have given Him all power in heaven and earth. We can be confident that greater is He that is in us that he that is in the world. His power extends beyond day to day miracles, and to the transforming work of making the human heart a good place. You are making in us by Him something of eternal worth. Thank You! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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