
Luke 7:17 “And this report about Him went throughout all Judea and all the surrounding region.”

   Reports about Christ have traveled this world over. News of Him has spread and been discussed, taught, analyzed, and often repeated. The church of Christ has been established and at work for these hundreds of years. The gospel has been preached on every continent, in countless languages, to new peoples, and everywhere that mankind is found.
   As in the time of the ministry of Christ, many millions have been saved. The church is grown to worldwide proportions, and has members from every tribe, tongue, and nation. The walls have been broken down, and new walls fail to block the progress of the gospel. The message is for everyone, and has been considered everywhere.
   And yet, as in the ministry of Christ (especially the latter part of it), there are many turned totally away from Christ. The conception has become that we do not need Him. Man has told himself he has grown beyond the conception of God, and understands the cosmos on a level that need not include God, at least not in any tangible way. We have established ourselves as the masters of all. We have come to think we know everything now that we feel we have some idea of how little we actually know.
   And on we should push. The dichotomy between the Son of Man, and mankind as ‘god’ is inevitable. Our future lies not in some new direction, but an old one. Man will continue to grasp for what Satan offered at the first, to be as gods. But this is ever elusive because it is and always has been a lie. Man was meant to be the bearer of the image of the Eternal Godhead. And it was for envy, spite, and rage that the old devil did his nasty tricks to begin with. Only by Christ can we again discover what glory was meant, for we were made for a mirror, a looking-glass for the Self-Existent One to see His glory in His great work. We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus. The die is cast, the world’s destiny is set, and there is not a thing to stop it. For God is Immutable.

   Heavenly Father, can we ever praise You enough? All we can do is sing of the greatness of Your Person. But, it seems, that is exactly what You have in mind. For, what more could anyone or anything do? What could any person hope to be but one of Your bright ones? Is that not the greatest of hopes, and the highest of ambitions? Here as we live is that not Your will, our abundant life? Each of us is given the joy, though only by life in Christ, to reflect Your glory before this lost world. And does that cause us to devalue our fellow man? No, it makes us seek his help, that he too may take up his eternal work, to show the glory of the Eternal God, and enjoy You forever. May You be honored in all, for You alone are worthy! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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