
Luke 7:20 “When the men had come to Him, they said, “John the Baptist has sent us to You, saying,`Are You the Coming One, or do we look for another?'”

   Even today we may ask the same question and find good reason to answer it in favor of Jesus as all that He claimed to be. Indeed, the message of Christ is still believed these two thousand years later. There is not a person or event in history to overshadow the reality of Christ Jesus. His life, death, resurrection, and all that has followed are abundant evidence that He is Someone altogether different from what this world always produces.
   Consider for a moment the cold facts of the situation. With Jesus you have a man, and He is compared all the time to other men. And yet people still recognize that there is something different about Him. With Him you are presented with a narrative about resurrection, and yet thinking, intelligent people accept the narrative as the honest truth. With Him your have the Jewish people, which have yet to be stopped or stamped out, in spite of wishes for their extinction from many directions. You have the church, which has grown worldwide and marches on without anything giving it cause to stop.  You have then the fact of the Bible. It is an ancient book, and yet it is so modern in its application as to still be challenging us to prove or disprove its claims in our new technocracies. And, in spite of all claims from pop science theories, good science cannot refute the enduring belief in the creation of the cosmos by God, just as the book of Genesis reports it.
   In short, everyone must ask themselves, “Is Jesus the One, or do we need to look for something or someone else?”

   Heavenly Father, as we think over Your Word, and the history of this world, we cannot ignore the amazing veracity of the gospel message. It calls us to repentance, and gives us hope for the days ahead. May we never forget all that has come before and go into tomorrow with the lessons of yesterday upon us. We will give You the glory for it all, Father! You are worthy of all honor and praise! You are the Perfect God! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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