
Luke 7:25 “But what did you go out to see? A man clothed in soft garments? Indeed those who are gorgeously appareled and live in luxury are in kings’ courts.”

   Jesus does not here mean to say that a prophet cannot live in a king’s court. Daniel, Joseph, and Nehemiah were great men of God who did indeed enjoy this luxury. However, these Men, like John, did not take full advantage of the luxury for their own fleshly enjoyment, but instead used their advantage for the benefit of others. In the same way Jesus means to say that John was a man who could have, by his abilities, served in a king’s presence. But instead of being in that place of honor, John had been set in a place of low esteem. And it was his low position that gave his particular message such great power. His words reached the king’s court, even though he himself never enjoyed its company.

   Heavenly Father, we spend much of our lives worried about our position in this world. But in truth our position before You is all that matters. I will cast off considerations of my own importance and focus on Your grandeur. You are in that high and holy position as King over all. It is my privilege and honor to serve You all the days of my life. In eternity forever and ever we will wonder, awed by Your glory and majesty! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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