
Luke 7:27 “This is he of whom it is written:`Behold, I send My messenger before Your face, Who will prepare Your way before You.'”

   This quote comes from Malachi chapter 3, verse 1. It is important to do your homework when you are trying to learn from Jesus. Our Lord is not interested in un-interested followers. Jesus quotes only part of this verse here. He could have gone on to quote more specifically about the Lord coming to His temple suddenly. But He is not recorded here as doing so. Why? Jesus wanted people to connect the dots. He wasn’t ministering to the spiritually ignorant, just the spiritually blind. The Jewish people had the truth in hand, but did not see it for what it was.

   Heavenly Father, give us ears to hear and eyes to see wonderful things in Your Word! Thank You for Your truth! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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