
Luke 7:32 “”They are like children sitting in the marketplace and calling to one another, saying:`We played the flute for you, And you did not dance; We mourned to you, And you did not weep.”

   Jesus here uses the illustration of children playing ‘grown-ups’ in their market place haunts. He paints a picture of a group of kids playing a celebratory song and expecting their fellows to dance in response, just as the grown-ups would do for occasions of great joy. And, similarly, the same group tries a funeral dirge and expects their fellows to pretend to weep as mourners. In both cases the children find their companions unwilling to play the game.
   Jesus often used children to teach the ‘grown-ups’ a lesson. Here the kids were trying to play with their friends, but their friends would have none of it. In the same way, John and Jesus both ministered to the nation of Israel. But the national leaders would have none of it. Regardless of the styles and methods of Jesus and John, the result was the same. The problem was not the minister, but the disobedience and rebellion of the listeners against the Divine command.

   Heavenly Father, we think we have everything figured out, and then we realize how little we really understand. Thank You so much for the constant stream of truth that You pour into our lives! Your wisdom is absolute and irresistible. I praise You for it! You alone know the end from the beginning. Your plans and purposes are perfect. The Lord Jesus is Alpha and Omega, and encompasses all in all. I will praise You forever, Father, for Your Christ! He alone is the Source of Truth for all humanity. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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