
Luke 7:33 “”For John the Baptist came neither eating bread nor drinking wine, and you say,`He has a demon.”

   John was the wild-eyed prophet type. He had no concern for people’s considerations of what was socially acceptable. As Elijah of old, he could stand before kings only because he was so outlandish and unique that he could and would stand before anyone. Bold as a lion and brash as a parakeet, John was well equipped for the large task that God had assigned to him.
   But, the Jewish leaders had a heyday with thus uncouth messenger. It was just too easy to show how different he was, and different had to be bad, right? They accused him of everything in the book except being a pretty boy. They thought they were so smart, but were condemning themselves all along. Careful, so careful, we must be when we say anything about the ministers of the Lord. It should never be done quickly, or lightly.

   Heavenly Father, thank You for the message of the gospel. It is so beautiful, and reasonable, and good, and true! You have given us so much in Christ! I can only live my life to enjoy proclaiming Your truth. You are the desire of my eyes and the joy of my heart. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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