
Luke 7:34 “”The Son of Man has come eating and drinking, and you say,`Look, a glutton and a winebibber, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!”

   Jesus was not like John in that He did not approach from the wilderness with a strange look and unique habits. He was instead much like most people. That he ate and drank does not mean that these activities were done to excess as the Jewish leaders reported. It simply means Jesus would go if invited to a meal. And, He would go if invited even if it meant some who were ‘sinners’ would be present. So, John tended to call the sinners out to him, and Jesus tended to seek after and go to where they were. Both are acceptable means and have the same goal in mind.
   But, seeing Jesus’ method the religious elite thought Him an awful example. How dare He be friendly to sinners! How many sinners have rejoiced over the course of history that Jesus indeed is the friend of sinners? Would the mass of humanity have responded to the message if the Spirit of God was not altogether for the idea of ‘seeking to save’ the lost, as Jesus put it? No. Indeed, the reason even John’s method worked so well was due to his audience. He was calling to those who already knew the truth, and knew that a prophet such as himself must surely come. When speaking to a nation or people that are saturated with the truth, calling out from the wilderness is a good method. But Jesus knew He would be rejected by the nation and thus came with a different approach. This is one of the reasons why He waited to start His ministry, John was making the call clear. Once that was done, Jesus came to seek out and find those needing the Physician.

   Heavenly Father, I will praise You for Your great love! In Your Son You have given us the very expression of what love is. We know and understand it only by Him. Without Him we would live thinking we love, but knowing not that we know not love. How can we live without Him? He is to my heart more needful that daily bread or air, and He alone can answer for the existence of my soul. Jesus is the only One that can make life worth living. Father, I hope to ever live for Him Who died for me! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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