
Luke 7:43 “Simon answered and said, “I suppose the one whom he forgave more.” And He said to him, “You have rightly judged.”

   Again we must be careful to understand what Jesus is saying, and what He isn’t. Jesus isn’t teaching that it is alright to love Him less on the basis of our perception of our own sinfulness. He is helping this Pharisee to understand the natural tendency folks have in connection with forgiveness. We tend to love most those who we see as having forgiven us for a lot. These persons know us and our faults and stay with us anyway. Thus we will love them the more.
   What Jesus is teaching here is that love for the Lord is the right response. But, that love must be based on the greatness of His forgiveness, not our perception of the depth of our sin. We need to realize that we are entirely lost and without hope if we have not the forgiveness found in Christ.

   Heavenly Father, though my perception of my sinfulness is imperfect, I do understand Your forgiveness is my only hope. Thank You for Your salvation! Without it my life would be so different, and I would be lost and aimlessly wandering. I find in You not just a Savior. You are my Master, You are my God. You are the One to Whom I pray. You are my song. I will praise You forever! I love You! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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