
Luke 8:3 “and Joanna the wife of Chuza, Herod’s steward, and Susanna, and many others who provided for Him from their substance.”

   Joanna apparently spent quit a bit of time with Christ, and was one of the women on hand at the tomb later. Being the wife of Herod’s steward likely meant she was fairly well off monetarily. Susanna we know nothing about, but she was much like either Joanna, or Mary Magdalene. In any case, all of these women, as well as the disciples, cared for Jesus. Jesus was not a rich man, and His daily needs were provided for by His friends.
   Jesus was a carpenter by trade, and He could work and make money. And presumably He did this for many years, even caring for His mother, and possibly His siblings for a time. We do not know exactly what happened to Joseph, but it seems he must have died, leaving Jesus as the caretaker of His family. So, likely anything Jesus had saved up before He began His itinerant ministry was set aside for His family upon His departure.
   Regardless of His economic state, it was appropriate for Him to be supported by others. I say this because those providing for Him were illustrating their faith. Many take offense at this, feeling that ministers are always after money. But, there will always be an obvious difference between ministers who have this motive, and those that do not. It is, sadly, all too easy to tell who is genuine, and who is greedy. The only follower of Christ in Scripture that we find questioning Jesus’ use of money was Judas, and he was a thief and a traitor.

Heavenly Father, I am glad that You ask for monetary involvement in the spreading of the gospel. In Your wisdom You know that we need something to keep us from living life only for our own comfort. Money is a great way to test our true desires. Thank You for Your great love! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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