
Luke 8:11 “”Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God.”

   Ah a short verse, but so packed with meaning! The seed, it is the thing that makes all the difference in time and eternity for it tells of the Holy One and His Son, Jesus the Christ. For every member of the human race the message of God is of utmost importance. Nothing parallels it. It it is by itself enough of a purpose and reason that no other must be sought. How any one of us will react to the Word of God is what will decide everything for us.
   Very often we see those who would divide God and His Word. They recognize God, or even Jesus, but do not accept the Scripture. And they do not realize, or will not admit, that they simply set up a false God and false Christ by doing so. No, God sent His Word into this world to be the absolute standard. All humans are called upon to respond to what they have of the ‘seed’ that has been scattered.

   Heavenly Father, I often am awestruck by Your plan. The way You have chosen to order this world and make Your presence known is wonderful to me. You are truly wise and Your sagacity knows no limits. I spend my life not discovering the boundaries of Your wisdom, but comprehending more the limitless nature of it. You know everything. That is so easy to say, but it will take all of my life and effort to really understand it. I love You! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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