
Luke 8:13 “But the ones on the rock are those who, when they hear, receive the word with joy; and these have no root, who believe for a while and in time of temptation fall away.”

   There are several key words here that are important to notice. Though Jesus does not mention if these are ‘saved’ individuals, He does call them believers. And, He says these believers ‘fall away’, or depart, from the faith. Due to the word choice here it is certain that if these persons are not saved, they would at least ‘seem’ saved for a time.
   These are what we would refer to as apostates. They look good, smell good, and may even seem to bear fruit. But, there is nothing genuine about them because they have no root. In other words, they never had been truly transformed into the New Creature. The old man Adam kept them the whole time. And, in the end, they show their true colors.
   Looking at this parable and its explanation is encouraging, but instructive. Though we see that good seed in good ground will succeed, we also learn that many never make it. In this wide world there are many who hear the truth, and either never believe, or believe only for a time, and not genuinely. Persons in the latter case may be the ‘seed on the rock’ for many years or even decades before they fall away. And, in some cases, due to the worldliness of the church at large, they are never revealed in their true nature, but exist as wolves among the sheep.

   Heavenly Father, thank You for telling the truth! Even though it is hard sometimes, it is so wonderful to have it. I’d rather live my life in Your light than the devil’s darkness. There is so much deceit in this world, and only in You can we find real answers. Thank You! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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