
Luke 8:18 “Therefore take heed how you hear. For whoever has, to him more will be given; and whoever does not have, even what he seems to have will be taken from him.”

   The beginning of this verse is really a key for this whole passage. He tells His disciples have a care for ‘how’ they hear. The word can also be translated ‘that’ in this context. And ‘take heed’ can be a warning. So it can be translated ‘Beware that you hear’ and be quite true to the passage.
   What Jesus follows this up with is surely meant to be a warning. Indeed, the word ‘seems’ is pregnant with meaning. Its meaning includes the idea of self-judgement. Meaning that many have an opinion of themselves, which may or may not be shared by others, concerning their knowledge of the things of God. Jesus confirms, however, that these folks do not actually have anything. And yet that ‘nothing’ will be taken away.
   Is that double-talk? How can ‘nothing’ be actually removed? Jesus is here helping us to understand that the LORD will not leave anything undone when it comes to final judgment. As it is said elsewhere, the secrets of men will be judged. God isn’t going to leave anyone hanging on to some perceived idea of understanding. All will be made aware of the accuracy, or ignorance, of their ideas about God.

   Heavenly Father, it is such a blessing that You even allow us to know You! And, if we know You, You delight to give us more knowledge of You. Truly fortunate is the man who understands and knows You! What could be more important or valuable? No riches of this world are worth giving that up for. It just isn’t anywhere close to worth it. Father thank You for revealing Yourself to us in Christ. He is truly wonderful! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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