
Luke 8:25 “But He said to them, “Where is your faith?” And they were afraid, and marveled, saying to one another, “Who can this be? For He commands even the winds and water, and they obey Him!”

   The translation here is intriguing. Jesus simply asks where their faith has gotten to. Its almost like saying, where is your anchor, or where is your life-jacket, or where is your boat? He says it like it is one of the things they would have automatically brought along with them. He says it like it should be a forgone conclusion.
   But so often it is not. In fact faith tends to be our last consideration, rather than our first. We will think we are very prepared for an adventure without having yet prepared our faith at all. We will journey onward without prayer, without a focus on Christ, without making trust in the Lord our foundation at the outset.
   The disciples were surely amazed. And they understood that this miracle had a special significance. People just didn’t command the weather like that. Even Elijah had to pray fervently to accomplish the drought in the time of his ministry. Joshua asked for the sun to be stilled. But these are examples of men asking God to do these signs. Jesus simply directly commanded the weather as if it was the most natural thing in all the world that it would instantly obey Him. And indeed, it is.

   Heavenly Father, Jesus is Lord of all! Thank You for Him! He is the answer to every question I have. You have shown us Yourself in Him. All praise be to You forever and ever! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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