
Luke 8:35 “Then they went out to see what had happened, and came to Jesus, and found the man from whom the demons had departed, sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed and in his right mind. And they were afraid.”

   Here we have a contrast that really shows the state this world is in. What had happened in this man’s life was absolutely amazing. He was made completely whole again. The demonic influence was gone and he was ready to learn from God. It was a total transformation.
   And yet, those living in the area, his countrymen, were gripped by fear. How could this be? Why were they not overjoyed? Easy, the devil. He will spend his time in nothing but making people afraid. His methods of control are night and day different from God’s. He cannot handle people the way God can. He has to keep them in a corner, keep them cowed, scared, and confused. He needs to weaken and only strengthen when he thinks he has it under control. He is petty and limited.

   Heavenly Father, may I never forget that You are not limited! You have nothing to hold You back. You are free and fierce. You exist as a consuming fire, and You rip through time and space at Your pleasure. You need no tricks or methods of control. You ask only for that which is best for us because You made us to fit it. When we resist You we are trying to jump from a bed of roses to a bed of nails. I will seek You forever, You are worthy! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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