
Luke 8:46 “But Jesus said, “Somebody touched Me, for I perceived power going out from Me.”

   The explanation Jesus gives here is quite mysterious if not taken in the context of the rest of Scripture. It would seem to imply a limitation in Christ; that He somehow was not in control of His power. But actually it shows the exact opposite. It is an indication of His divinity.
   The Godhead has set certain rules for divinity that each person of the Godhead follows. This is voluntary and thus completely under the control of the Divine Essence which the Godhead is. Jesus, as the eternal Son of God is bound by His own rules, in other words. He healed this woman instantly upon her touch because the Godhead has chosen to respond to faith.
   But, Jesus wanted to speak with this lady to impart spiritual blessing, and more faith, into her life as well. This is why He stopped and asked who touched Him. He did not ask because He did not know. He asked because He wanted the woman to take the next step with her faith and place her trust completely in Him by revealing her identity voluntarily. Think about it. Due to the nature of her malady, she could have been ostracized from the community because of her uncleanness. She had to trust Christ to make her healing clear and only those accepting Him would accept her.
   This is the nature of true faith in Christ. The strongest faith in Him relies completely upon Him. And, it will risk all else to show allegiance to Him.
   Heavenly Father, may we all respond in faith when called upon! You are the One we look to for everything. We are completely dependent upon the Lord Jesus. I will praise You for all that You have done. You are great! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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