
Luke 8:49

Here Jesus is referred to as ‘The Teacher’. The speaker here is simply informing Jairus that his daughter has died. But the completely hypocritical reference to Jesus was done almost without realizing it. This is not uncommon among those who wish to honor Jesus as a great person, but have no real trust in Him at all.

What is the nature of this hypocrisy? To call someone ‘Teacher’ and act as if that person can heal the sick, yet in the same breath deny that they can raise the dead, is incongruous. Many have been great teachers, but that wouldn’t automatically make them able to heal Jairus’ daughter. So as many have, this person is trying to respect Jesus as some great human; but not recognizing Him as more than human, the individual’s attempt is nothing short of confusing. Beyond that it implies that Jesus had other things to do besides being a comfort to this, now grieving, dad.

It is here that we are asked to make a choice. Do we leave Jesus to be limited like the rest of us? Do we assume, as many have said, that He never intended for us to see Him as anything more than a great human teacher? Or, do we now follow Him to the presence of death and watch as He breathes life as He has into every one of us? You must decide. But make no mistake, this choice will decide all for you.

Heavenly Father, I will praise You for Christ today. He alone can breathe life into our troubled souls. Only by Him may we escape this body of death and live full and free in all the glory You have intended. Thank You for Jesus! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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