
 Luke 9:9 “Herod said, ‘John I have beheaded, but who is this of whom I hear such things?’ So he sought to see Him.”

   Wouldn’t it be altogether bad for the kingdom of darkness for king Herod to be so interested in Christ? Doesn’t this preoccupation of Herod bring glory to Jesus? Why does the old serpent so often use fakes, phonies and frauds rather than directly opposing the working of Christ?

   Here we understand the nature of the enemy. Though fantastically intelligent and fabulously powerful, the old devil is by his bond to sin not much higher than the beasts. He is caught in a pattern of self-destruction that is morbid beyond belief. Though he knows his doom is sure, he runs headlong into it as if it was the most wonderful thing he could hope for.

   As I have studied the gospels over the last many years I have learned in greater depth two things. First, I have learned much more about the nature of Christ. Second, I have learned more of the nature of the enemy destined for damnation. Jesus will be glorified in any case. No matter what happens, it is all in His plan. The evil guy, on the other hand, will spite his own face. Every attempt to bring glory to himself will only contribute to his shame.

   Herod’s preoccupation with Christ was energized by that wicked one. He is indeed the author of confusion. He tries his hardest to confuse humanity. But, it is this very propensity for deception that shows how limited and incapable he is. And nobody understands him better than Jesus. Jesus over and over has defeated this disgusting foe.

Heavenly Father, we will sing Your praise for ever and ever! You are worthy of the best of all and everything. Your power is complete. You are the One Who Exists. You will never cease. Without You, all would fall apart and come to nothingness. It is only by You that the universe is held together. Thank You for Who You are, that is the most wonderful thing about You! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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