
 Luke 9:16 “Then He took the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up to heaven, He blessed and broke them, and gave them to the disciples to set before the multitude.”

   Often due to our incredulity we fail to think about the practical side of the miracles of Christ. We claim to believe, but then we just don’t think about the details because we confuse miracle with magic. Magic is fake, a phony sham. Miracle is a real manifestation of the supernatural power that created this world to begin with. It is thus altogether different from anything else we have ever encountered. And yet, it fits in our experience better than we might think.

   To illustrate this, allow me to point out something that we commonly overlook. The performance of this miracle likely took quite a bit of time. There is no reason from reading the text to assume that Jesus ‘sped up’ the process. So, assuming Jesus broke off each piece, it could have easily taken well over two and a half hours to distribute to the disciples. And then of course it would take time for the disciples to distribute to the people.

   We have gotten the idea that baskets of food just ‘appeared’ out of nowhere. And of course Jesus could indeed make that happen with ease. But then I think we miss the whole point of the miracle don’t we? The supply of this food came straight from the Hands of the Master to the people. Oh what a picture of the love of God for us! Let us never forget that all we receive is from His hands.

Heavenly Father, Your provision is amazing! When we stop and think about the amount of food you provide for us, just that is something to be so thankful for. You give us things that we don’t even realize we have. You bless us in ways that we will never think of. Father, You are Providence and You are so wonderful! May we live to praise You, for You are so worthy! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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