
 Luke 9:18 “And it happened, as He was alone praying, that His disciples joined Him, and He asked them, saying, “Who do the crowds say that I am?”

   This is still such an important question today. Jesus asked this to start a conversation about belief. He wanted His disciples to get this in front of them. Everyone must answer this. What do you think about Jesus Christ?

   In our day, two thousand years later, this is still the most important question to wrestle with. In fact, as the religions of our world coalesce to a greater extent, this question becomes that much more crucial. The true nature of Jesus is of very little consequence if He is not Who He claimed to be.

   If Jesus is only a man, we can afford to use Him for our purposes. We can mold Him to our will and present Him any way we please. But, if He is the Christ, well then that makes all the difference. If He is the Christ we owe Him our very existence.

Heavenly Father, all praise be to You for Jesus Christ! In Him You have set the truth before us. Even now humanity is wrestling with His will and way. We cannot escape it. Thank You for Him! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You.

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