
 Luke 9:22 “saying, “The Son of Man must suffer many things, and be rejected by the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised the third day.”

   Notice how Jesus words His prophecy concerning what would take place over the next several days. He specifically mentions the Jewish leadership, and that they would ‘reject’ Him. This is significant. This rejection was mentioned, and the role of the Gentile Romans was not. Why?

   The Roman involvement was surely a bad thing, and a condemnation of the Gentile world. But, the rejection by the Jewish leaders is pointed out here because these people were the ones that should have recognized Christ. For a Roman politician to not understand Who Jesus was is indeed bad. But for the people of God and their most biblically literate contingent to not understand and see the Lord Jesus for what He is, was unconscionable. How blind they were!

Heavenly Father, oh give us eyes that we may see! Today we think that we know everything. We think we would surely recognize Your working in every case. But do we? Oh Father, give us the eyes of faith, and open our hearts to Your Word. We assume that if we read and study Your Word, we surely see and know Your way. But we would fall into the same trap as the Jewish leaders in the first century. Keep us humble Lord! We will search and know, we will ask and receive, please illumine our heart and mind by Your Spirit as we look into Your Word! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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