
 Luke 9:23 “Then He said to them all, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me.”

   Jesus here gives them three things to do if they desire to come after Him. What does He mean by this, to come after Him? Well, there are many who have come after in the sense that they have come along later in time. However, Jesus here is using the word ‘after’ more in the sense that others were to pursue Him and His mission. Thus if we seek to be a part of His work, in His kingdom, we must do these three things. And what are these?

   First, we must deny ourselves. This means a couple of things. For one, it means that we cannot please our flesh and follow after Christ. We must turn aside from the pleasures of this life so far as they are intended to gratify the base nature of sin in us. Also, we must not seek our own. This means that we are to not make our own fame, fortune, pride, and sense of power and place in this world our aim. We must give all of these things over in order to pursue Him.

   Second, we are asked to take up our cross daily. The cross was known to the disciples as the chosen method of Roman execution. For Jesus to mention the cross in this way was the same as when we say, ‘take your life in your hands’ or do something ‘at your own risk’. It means that we are liable to die while we are at this. No price is considered too high for the privilege to pursue after Christ. For, indeed, the highest price may be exacted at any moment.

   This second item means a couple of things as well. Firstly, it means that one may not pursue the mission of Christ and serve in His kingdom with any reservations. Nothing may be held back as precious. All must be held with an open hand. And, secondly, danger is not to be a consideration. Risk to life and limb are to be considered a reasonable sacrifice. The prize of obedience is to be the ultimate treasure.

   Then we find the third thing Jesus says. He asks those who would pursue His mission, following after Him, to do just that, to follow Him. This seems simple at first. But, we must detail what He has in mind here. Firstly He means to say that we are to follow His example. As the Almighty Son of God, He took on flesh and lived lowly among us. He was obedient to the Father and died alone for us in the most shameful way. This is the pattern to emulate, and it is the most humiliating and degrading in the world’s eyes. We are not called to a glamourous fate.

   Secondly, to follow Him means to take heed to Him. Every command, every idea, every particular of His way and work are to be our pleasure and banner. We are to be completely submitted to His will and work. His word is to be our battle cry. Loyalty to this cause must be absolute and a sheer delight to His devoted followers.

   Lastly, to follow Christ means to be on His timetable. This means to have always a sense of what time it is in relation to the message of the gospel and the truth as we see it revealed in the Bible. His followers are to live with the reality of His return ever before our face. The fact of His death and resurrection are to always energize us. The times and workings of this worldly life are then not meant to galvanize us. Instead, it is to be where we find ourselves in relation to His eternal plan that really gets us going. It is His timetable that determines our next steps.

Heavenly Father, You are truly worthy or our best life! Not only is it altogether worth it to die for the cause of Christ, but it is also worth it to live for Him! Indeed, it would matter little if it was ‘worth it’ or not since You deserve our best, and may reasonably expect it of us. But, the added bonus is that it is indeed more than worth it. To be counted heirs of Your dear Son is beyond our wildest hopes. We can never deserve it, but will say as all of Your servants, what have we done? Nothing, it is all of You. You have made us the most happy of people. You are so gracious and good. I will serve You forever! Your will and way are my delight. Thank You! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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