
Luke 9:31″who appeared in glory and spoke of His decease which He was about to accomplish at Jerusalem.”

   At the time of this wonderful event surely the disciples still understood the plan very little. They likely did not process much of what these men discussed with Jesus. Besides this, the Holy Spirit did not bring back to their memory the specifics of what was said on this occasion by Moses and Elijah. In any case, just to have this report is unique.

   Very likely these two men spoke in praise of the glory of the plan and were just as honored to be a part of this revelation of the glory of Christ as were the disciples. This is not to say that they had not already seen the glory of Christ, for we would assume they had. But in every new experience of the glory of the Lord we find a greater experience for ourselves. We see more and more of Him with Whom we have to do.

Heavenly Father, all glory and praise and honor be to Your Christ! You have made Him all in all. I will praise You high forever and extol Your glorious Name! You alone have made the perfect plan and carried it out with exact precision. You have made the most unexpected things come true! Only You could construct and orchestrate such a wonderful thing. I put my hand on my mouth in awe! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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