
Luke 9:34 “While he was saying this, a cloud came and overshadowed them; and they were fearful as they entered the cloud.”

   The disciples, being Jewish, likely knew what the cloud signified. This was a signal to the presence of God the Father. This was the same as the cloud on Mount Sinai. And, this is why they were afraid. More specifically they feared as they entered the cloud. They did not voluntarily walk into it, the cloud of the Presence of God overshadowed, and thus enveloped, them. The word ‘fearful’ here indicates that if they had their way about it, like the Israelites of old, they would have run away from the cloud, rather than to it.

Heavenly Father, thank You for being content to deal with our fears. You have not hidden Yourself so completely that we never know You are there. No, You have made Yourself known to us, and we can know and understand some of Your great Essence. How can we ever extol Your Name to the best degree? You have done all things well. We know You are Altogether Wonderous. Never has there been any other like You, nor is that even possible. All that may ever be is in Your power. You alone are the HOLY ONE. Thank You for allowing us to know that You are there. I love You! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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