
Luke 9:47 “And Jesus, perceiving the thought of their heart, took a little child and set him by Him,”

   Jesus is always teaching. Always. His disciples gave Him lots of opportunities for it, and so do we even today. And, He is always patient. And, He is always very effective.

   Jesus knew what was in their hearts. This isn’t the only time that we are told Jesus perceived the thoughts of others. The wording here makes it plain that he knew what they were thinking. And, it was by this knowledge that He formulated the best teaching example.

   By the way, there is only one person that can read the thoughts of others. That person is The Person. Though the devil, demons, and humans can be very good guessers of the thoughts and intents of people’s heart, God alone can actually read minds. Jesus knows EVERYTHING we have ever thought, and ever will think. To Him we are an ‘open book’ as we say.

Heavenly Father, thank You for knowing us so well, and yet still being the Good and Gracious One that You are towards us. We marvel when we think of Your great wisdom and knowledge. And we shall never understand the full extent of Your great mind. You are so far above us! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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