
Luke 9:58 “And Jesus said to him, “Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.”

   Jesus had here before Him and man who was willing to follow Him any where He went. But Jesus pushes this man to go a step further. Like God and Abram of old, Jesus means to say ‘and what if I don’t tell you where we are going?’ The disciples Jesus already had knew the truth of this. They were often surprised by what came next in the ministry of Christ.

   More than that, the financial situation of Jesus was much different than what most of these would-be followers would have imagined. Save the miracle of the temple tax in the fish’s mouth, we do not know of Jesus miraculously doing anything financially related. And, that miracle alone illustrates that He didn’t have much money on hand. We do know that Judas stole from Him regularly, and He may have been supported in large part by the women who followed Him, though we can’t be certain of that.

   This is not to say that nobody who follows Christ is allowed to have money. That’s not true at all. But, the followers of Christ are to have a certain attitude towards material things and provisions. Jesus was focused on ministry to people, not His next meal, or the next place where He would stay.

Heavenly Father, thank You for taking care of us! We tend to think that we have provided for ourselves, but we know You have provided everything we have. No matter where we go or when, we will look to You for our provisions. While being wise stewards, we will be faithful, and faith-filled. You alone can provide for the journey ahead! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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