
 Luke 10:2 “Then He said to them, “The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.”

   There is a sense in which it is better for each follower of Christ for there to be more others who follow Him. In other words, as an individual believer, the overall number of persons who will turn to Christ has a direct bearing on our overall experience in the long run.

   Let me try to explain this. In this current life our time is extremely limited. We know a very small portion of the world, even a small portion of the church. But, one day in heaven we will know the whole group, and we will have time enough to know them well. Every life will make an infinite amount of difference.

   At that future time, this life will be to us like a small inlet of water in comparison to the mighty ocean. It will be like one atom in comparison to the entire universe of matter. This life will seem but a blink of an eye in a strange dream in comparison to the reality that we will then live.

   Thus, pray for laborers. Beg the Lord of the harvest to multiply His harvest. Every life counts so much!

Heavenly Father, we see so little of what will be our lives one day with You. But, what we do see stirs us to ask You to grant that many will come to You in this time. You alone know what is in store, but what You have shown us by Your Spirit is so wonderful to us. Each life will make so much of a difference. Help us to bring more to You, and send out many more laborers. Thank You! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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