Who Rejects You Rejects Me

Luke 10:16 “He who hears you hears Me, he who rejects you rejects Me, and he who rejects Me rejects Him who sent Me.”

   This really summarizes the point of this passage. Nobody can afford to ignore true ministers of God. Now, let’s be clear as to what we mean here. Sola Scriptura is as true as it has always been. In other words, God’s Word is the final authority. The authority of the church does not come before the authority of the Bible in the Christian’s life. Only God’s Word is inerrant, not our interpretation of it.

   However, when the church acts in accordance with the Word of God, it is expected that we will listen. When missionaries go into new areas and preach, if they are faithful to the Word, it is a matter of life and death (and eternal destiny) for the new tribes, peoples and nations to hear and obey the Word. When the church teaches the growing Christian biblically, that individual must listen in order to follow Christ as intended.

   So, to put it directly, the church has authority. But, it is a dependent authority. It is dependent upon Scripture. It is expected that we will question the church on the basis of Scripture, and that process is good and very important. But, when we question the church on the basis of only our own ideas and opinions, we are doing something dangerous. The Word is the final authority, and if the church acts in accordance with the Word, it is dangerous to work against her.

   As Jesus says here, to reject those He has sent is the same as rejecting Him. And, rejecting Him is the same as rejecting the Father.

Heavenly Father, we long to be in fellowship with You at all times. To know You is the most wonderful thing that ever happens to us. You alone are God. You alone are the One Who Can. We are powerless without You. We love You and praise You forever! Thank You for Your mercy, love, grace, and truth! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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