Sign of Jonah

As the crowds were increasing, he began saying, ‘This generation is an evil generation. It demands a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of Jonah.’

Luke 11:29

The Jews were not simply looking for a miracle. Jesus had performed lots of miracles. They wanted a sign. For example, manna from heaven in the wilderness was a sign. Fire down to the altar for Elijah was a sign. Signs are miracles for the sake of proof of God’s power. They are big, performed before a large audience, and specifically indicate something.

However, Jesus tells his hearers that this desire to see a sign is evil. Indeed, signs in Scripture are not something God does to encourage the faithful, but to challenge the faithless. Jesus would indeed give this generation a sign, but not one of their choosing.

The prophet Jonah was very likely not a prophet that the Jewish elite was extremely proud of. Indeed, they were much like Jonah, but wanted to equate themselves with ‘better’ prophets. To give them the sign of Jonah, Jesus implies that they are as hard hearted as the Assyrians were. The Assyrians, among the anals of history, are considered one of the cruelest nations.

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your great mercy and grace! Thank You for the clarity of Your Word. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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