In Our Streets

Then you will say, ‘We ate and drank in your presence, and you taught in our streets.’

Luke 13:26

This verse is aimed directly at those present who had heard Jesus teaching and seen Him. He had taught in the streets. In other words, He made His message accessible to everyone. The common man could hear and see this teacher from Galilee.

The ones mentioned here were claiming fellowship with Jesus by virtue of taking a meal with Him. And, they claimed acceptance of His message by way of His free teaching among them. But, in reality, they had done neither.

Heavenly Father, how often do we claim things about our life with You that are inaccurate? When we boast, we may need to throw our hands into the air and confess, we have known You so little for all that You have known us! You have understood us so very well, while we have known You just superficially. Oh, we will come to the fount and drink deeply of Your holiness, truth, and love! In You alone may we find peaceful fellowship, and fullness of life and joy. As we cast aside our vain toys, we cling to the Rock that is higher! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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