Longing for Food

He longed to be filled with what fell from the rich man’s table, but instead the dogs would come and lick his sores.

Luke 16:21

Lazarus would have loved to eat off the floor in the rich man’s house. To understand the contrast here, we have to understand the role of dogs in ancient times. Dogs were not the prized companions that they are today. Traveling in wandering packs, they were seen more as the vultures of the ground.

The contrast here is not simply rich and poor. It is also a contrast between honor and shame. The rich man was viewed positively by his peers. Lazarus was viewed in shame by everyone.

In Jewish society, this was especially true. This rich man would have been seen as a true son of Abraham. His affluence served as evidence of his holiness in the mind of the Jewish society of Jesus’ day. Lazarus’ poverty was seen as evidence of his sinfulness. As a result, this parable turned the accepted thinking on its head.

Heavenly Father, I am so often reminded that You do not think the way we do. Your plans are different from ours. You can know it all ahead of time. Your ways are perfect. I can not comprehend You fully. I can only rely upon You for understanding. Thank You for allowing us to even know You at all. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I pray and praise You, Amen.

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