Those Who Want To

Besides all this, a great chasm has been fixed between us and you, so that those who want to pass over from here to you cannot; neither can those from there cross over to us.’

Luke 16:26 CSB

We do not know a lot about the afterlife, whether in ancient times or now. However, what we do know is very definite. There is a dichotomy, two places to go. This is also confirmed by the passage we have before us.

The wording here is, once again, quite interesting. Evidently this rich man is able to gain an audience with Abraham. But notice what Abraham says to him. Those over in paradise who wanted to reach those in agony could not. And, the opposite could also not occur. But Abraham says nothing of those with the rich man desiring to reach those in paradise. He makes it sound as if Lazarus is indeed willing to try and help the rich man, but cannot.

Heavenly Father, You help us to see our imperfections. Thank You for this! In our human pride we can so easily become satisfied with ourselves. But in Christ we can grow beyond the need to feel sufficient as we are, and find our sufficiency in Him. Oh thank You! It is so helpful and freeing! You are wise and good. I cannot praise You enough. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray, and praise You, Amen.

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