Trusted in Themselves

And He spoke this parable to some who trusted in themselves and treated others with contempt, convinced that they were righteous.

Luke 18:9

The hight of hubris! And yet this is so common a feeling among our proud species. We are so often full of our own conceit and think others are far worse than ourselves. This tendency is at the root of why we are condemned from birth. In our hearts we swell with pride and think that we are right regardless of any evidence found to the contrary.

Very many choose not to glorifiy God and bring Him constant praise, feeling that nobody is worthy of that. And yet, these same will constantly praise themselves to themselves and among themselves. Mankind is always looking for the chance to give credit, and we will give it to ourselves if we find no other worthy object.

Heavenly Father, thank You for another day to serve You. Deliver us from pride! Remind us always that You are the Powerful and Glorious One. We are nothing, and yet blessed to know You. It is in that that we can find glory, not in ourselves, or our feelings about ourself. We praise You for ever! In the Name of Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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