Come to Me

But Jesus summoned them, saying, ‘Leave the children to come to me, and do not stop them, for of such is the kingdom of God.’

Luke 18:16

This was a mild rebuke. Basically Jesus is saying ‘You shouldn’t be over there stopping the kids, you should be seeking my blessings just like they are, and don’t stop them while you are at it!’

Jesus then expresses what He had said at other times, it is this genuine heart of seeking Him that is the pathway to the kingdom. These children and their parents recognized Christ as the source of blessing, even if they did not fully understand Him. Their understanding would grow if their heart was truly His.

Heavenly Father, You are Holy! There is nothing and no one that compares with You. You are Who You are, and there is nothing beyond You. You know the bounds of everything. Existence is in Your hand. You hold all of reality in Your hand, it is Yours. Your goodness is absolutely astounding. I would never have conceived of a God such as You. I will praise You forever! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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