Hurry Down

And when he came to the spot, looking up, Jesus saw him, and he said to him, ‘Zacchaeus, hurry down because today I must stay at your house.’

Luke 19:5

We have no indication here that Zacchaeus called out. The implication is that he had met his objective. He could see Jesus, and if he intended to say anything to him he did not get the chance. Jesus of course knew already exactly what Zacchaeus had in mind.

Jesus had apparently intended all along to spend some time with this man. We may easily wonder how it is that Jesus had come to the conclusion that Zacchaeus would be ready to receive Him. But it seems very likely that the blind man Jesus had just healed could have had something to do with it. If Zacchaeus had been donating to the poor regularly as he later indicates, he would have been a benefactor of the blind man.

Whatever made Jesus choose Zacchaeus, the announcement that he would be staying at his house is almost completely unique among the words of Christ. Though not out of character for the Lord, it was no doubt unexpected. It creates a very stark picture of Christ’s concern for and compassion on those who seek Him out.

Heavenly Father, thank You for rewarding those who diligently seek You! You do not hide from us, though You do expect to see that we want You in our lives. Thank You for intersecting with us just as Jesus did with Zacchaeus so many years ago. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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