He is Also

And Jesus said to him, ‘Today salvation has come to this house, because he is also a son of Abraham.’

Luke 19:9

This is a very unique verse. Note well the fact that Jesus says this ‘to’ Zacchaeus. However, because He refers to Zacchaeus in the third person we know that He is also speaking to the others present at the time. Some in attendance might have taken exception to this, but Jesus is very clear.

Thus, Jesus does say this ‘to’ Zacchaeus, but He also says it ‘for’ Zacchaeus. Prior to His death and resurrection, Jesus keeps the focus of salvation upon the Jewish people. This does not mean He would not let Gentiles be saved, or come to Him. But as He said to the woman at the well ‘Salvation is of the Jews’ and He kept that message consistent. After His resurrection He made it clear to His disciples that salvation is for everyone.

Being very possibly a little person, Zacchaeus had not been afforded the normal recognition as a Jew. And his profession only exacerbated this reality. But, in his faith, he was indeed a son of Abraham.

Heavenly Father, thank You for saving me! Without You I could not know hope or joy. Today and every day I will praise You. You are so smart! Your wisdom is overwhelming. Your faithful love and grace are a constant comfort. I cannot fathom the riches of Your great glory. You are so holy! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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