Even What He Has

‘For I say to you that to everyone who has will be given, and he who has not, even what he has will be taken from him.’

Luke 19:26

What kind of doublespeak is this? Does he have or does he not have? What is the Lord saying here?

Rewind a bit. This servant was given a Mina. He was entrusted with this money. So he ‘had’ something because something had been given to him. But he had nothing on his own. The other servants were the same, before the gift of the Mina, they had nothing that we are told about. They, however, gained more. Whereas this evil servant still had only what he had been given. He had done nothing to gain by it. So he ‘had’ in the sense that he had been given something. But he ‘had not’ in the sense that he had nothing but what he had been given to begin with.

Heavenly Father, thank You for the truth that You have given us. Thank You for giving us the chance and ability to respond to You and to live in Your way. You are glorious above all! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.