Like Lightning

Luke 10:18 “And He said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.”

It is unclear as to exactly what Jesus is referring in this verse. Good scholars have differed as to the exact meaning. Some think it means that Jesus saw the devil swoop down from heaven while His disciples were out ministering. Others think He is saying that He personally saw the devil’s fall from his position in heaven at some past time.
In either case, the point is that Jesus has the authority to be aware of the movement of the evil one. More than that, the power of Christ is sufficient to cause extreme concern on the part of the old enemy. Jesus is greater and has been given by the Father all power.
Thus, this verse is a reminder. No matter how successful the plans of the old worm seem to be, the Lord Jesus is the True King. He is greater in every way.
Heavenly Father, keep us focused on Jesus! It is His power that we need in our lives. He is victorious. He is the One we look to for all things. He is Your Precious Son. He is our Salvation! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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