Mark 6:4

Mark 6:4
   Jesus is here giving voice to an idea that has been repeated in various ways throughout history. Many great men have found that they are not nearly as great when they are at home. Familiarity, and a sense of knowing one’s origins, tends to cause people to think less of a person, and not more.
   This was, it seems, very true in Jesus case. His own family failed to believe in him early on. His brothers and sisters failed to see who he really was. And the town that knew him the best, understood him the least. Indeed, we often fail to see what we have until it is gone.

Judges 20:1-Ruth 1:22

James 1:4 But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.

Heavenly Father, thank you for your freshness. The quality of being fresh, or new, is not something we would normally think of to apply to you. But it is indeed true. We are so often stale, dried up, withered. You on the other hand, are always fresh, always new, always faithful. Any day of the week when we come to you we find new life, new hope, new truth, new rest. You are the cure for apathy. You are the cure for boredom. You are the cure for disappointment, and discouragement.

Pray for a family that just lost a loved one. Pray for a young woman who will be traveling soon. Pray for a woman who is not feeling well at all.

Journal 15181

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