Mark 5:42

Mark 5:42
   Being 12 years old, this girl was ready to get back to living. Older persons might sit and reflect upon the events of the day a little bit longer. But not her, she was ready to get back to moving and living and loving her parents and doing things. Indeed, as a girl of the age of 12, her childhood was likely almost over. She would surely be married within the next couple of years.
   It seems quite interesting to me to contrast those who are brought back to life by the Lord Jesus, and those who claim to come back from the dead these days. Because of the technology we have for resuscitation, many now claim to have been dead and come back to life. This of course is always a relative event. Not breathing or, having little brain activity, doesn’t necessarily make you dead. In any case, people do seem to have a very different reaction to these experiences than did this girl. She just kind of pops up and gets back to life. Whereas, many today will wake up and tell all kinds of stories of what happened to them while they were supposedly dead.

Judges 5:1-7:25

1 John 5:20 And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life.

Heavenly Father, it is so amazing to think that you give us of your own spirit when we are saved. It’s much like how you brought this girl back to life. When we were dead in our trespasses and sins, you gave us new life in every way. The Holy Spirit is our surety of all of that grand and glorious future that you have promised to us. Because we have your Spirit living in us, we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are on our side. We can depend upon you forever. We can listen to you, hear from you, learn from you. You are interested in helping us understand what you want from us. You are interested in helping us understand that what we need and want is exactly what you provide. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Pray for a man under the care of hospice. Pray for a young boy recovering from several surgeries.

Journal 15176

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