
Luke 8:45 “And Jesus said, “Who touched Me?” When all denied it, Peter and those with him said, “Master, the multitudes throng and press You, and You say,`Who touched Me?'”

   It is really a wonder how Jesus was treated by His own followers. Peter (and those with him, so maybe some of the other disciples) seems to have a fairly patronizing tone. Jesus was obviously not heavy on putting people in their place. Otherwise His followers would be afraid to say things like this to Him. As it was, their weakness was free to show itself as they were allowed to share their opinions, no matter how silly they might be.
   Further, we must stop and think of the implications of this choice. Jesus chose to make this woman public. If He had said nothing nobody would have ever known about her. This shows that Jesus was not at all unwilling to call attention to His miracles. But His purpose was more pure than ours would ever be. To be sure He was happy to accept the glory for this mighty act, and so He should for He is deserving. But also, He wanted to speak to this woman. To have His words in her heart would be just as much a comfort to her as the healing itself, or more so.

   Heavenly Father, we must never forget You are worthy of all the glory. You get the credit. This isn’t about us. It is all about You! Only You are the God of All. You alone are the Mighty One. You are beyond all imagining in Your power and wisdom. I can never understand all that You are in my limited mind. But You have made Yourself known. What a wonder that You have a relationship with us! Thank You for making us! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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