Mark 5:10

Mark 5:10
   At this point the demons are doing some pathetic begging. That is all that they could do. They knew that Jesus was able to do whatever he pleased, he had that authority.
   The fact that they wanted to stay in that area shows the influence that they had achieved. The forces of darkness hold sway among those who are heathen, superstitious, or who have an empty religiosity. They had built up some notoriety there and wanted to keep it. After this episode, their influence in the region was diminished greatly do to Christ, and the ministry of the delivered demoniac.

Numbers 7:1-89

1John 3:19 “And hereby we know that we are of the truth, and shall assure our hearts before him.”

Heavenly Father, thank you for this beautiful day that you’ve given us! Thank you for life, family, friends, and all the other wonderful blessings that you give us each and every day. You are our provider and you provide for every need. You are faithful and true to us at all times. May we faithfully serve you and show you that we love you with all of our hearts! You are worthy of all of our praise, and every moment of our life in service to you. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

Pray for several people traveling today and tomorrow. Pray for the lost.

Journal 15144

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