
Luke 8:39 “Return to your own house, and tell what great things God has done for you.” And he went his way and proclaimed throughout the whole city what great things Jesus had done for him.”

   Yes, that is right. Jesus sent this man home. He didn’t call him to go to some foreign land. He didn’t even take him over the lake and to places close by. Nope. He sent him home.
   There are many missionaries that have ministered all over the world, but are at a loss as to how to minister to their own families. They find it quite easy to share the gospel with strangers, but with family, that is a different thing altogether.
   Jesus knew this man would be most effective right where he was. This region where the man lived was full of spiritual darkness. People were living in superstitious fear. They were pagan by and large. But also, they knew this man. He was one of them and could reach them in a way they would readily understand.
    And, the man was one of the main sources of the devil’s deception before this transformation. Just as Jesus chose the Apostle Paul, Jesus chose the demoniac as the most unlikely of missionaries. I can only imagine hearing this guy telling his city about Jesus. He wasn’t afraid, I can tell you that. I’m sure holy boldness easily animated this man. He was used to the possession of evil, so the freedom of the Spirit of Truth was surely a great experience for him.

   Heavenly Father, only You understand Your ways completely. I just stand in awe of how You plan things. You make the best plans and purposes. You know exactly what needs doing. I want to follow You, not just what I think You want, but what You actually want. Thank You for leading us in the ways that are best for us, even if they are not our first choice. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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