
Luke 8:33 “Then the demons went out of the man and entered the swine, and the herd ran violently down the steep place into the lake and drowned.”

   The demons hoped to bring fear to the hearts of those who lived in that area. That is all they would ever do, deal in fear. That is the currency of the evil one, fear. And Jesus knew what they were going to do. He knew they would destroy those pigs. And He knew it would cause the people living in that area to ask Him to leave. But, He already had a plan. The demonic forces had already forgotten the man they had been forced out of. The devil’s crowd will always underestimate what God can do with a man transformed by Christ.

   Heavenly Father, I love You! You are never worried. You always have everything under control. I will say with all of my heart, You are my God! You alone may decide the fate of Your world. You alone hold the tomorrows in Your hands. Give me Christ and I have all, for You have made Yourself available to me. I can know You, and that is enough for me. You alone have the right to stop my life, and You alone have the power to keep it going. I will live to love You forever! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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