Mark 2:24

Mark 2:24
   The Pharisees may indeed have been following Jesus around. Or, at the least, it may have been some of the disciples of the Pharisaic rabbis. Either way, their question is intended here to be not just an inquisition, but a condemnation of the disciples of Christ. Comparing other passages from Matthew and Luke, we can see that it was said with a disdainful tone, and they assumed that they were right beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Bible Reading: Acts 3:1-4:37

Scripture Memory: James 5:19 “Brethren, if any of you do err from the truth, and one convert him;”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, we think of so many things as our valuable commodities. Our time, our money, our possessions, our opportunities, they all mean so much to us. Yet the truly important thing is our relationship with you. Father, may we never lose sight of that! We can be doing well in all of these other areas and be far from you. May we value our walk with you above all that is in our life. May our attitude towards you be the central focus of our hearts. To bring you praise and to rely on you in our hearts, rather than being full of our own selfishness and our own plans, is absolutely vital to our spiritual health. I praise you today, Father, for the ever-present blessings that we have through Christ. What you have given us never goes away. Please accept this day as a gift to you to honor you and glorify you. I will honor you as you enable me to do it. If you had not already given me a mouth to praise you, and feet to serve you, I could not. But, I will use what you have given me for your service. Thank you, dear Lord! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a woman with a bad cold. Pray for a man with Alzheimer’s and for his family as they care for him. Pray for a young girl who is sick.

Journal Entry #15054

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