
Luke 8:32 “A large herd of pigs was there, feeding on the hillside. The demons begged Him to permit them to enter the pigs, and He gave them permission.”

   This is really a great picture for us of the way God and the devil interact all of the time. First, demonic forces have no choice but to obey anything and everything that Jesus says. The demons we see here were very much begging, knowing that was their only recourse. Secondly, the devil and his minions, no matter how hopeless may be their situation, will always seek to work evil. And why? This is their nature. They automatically do whatever they think will be the most dishonoring to Almighty God, even if what they attempt fails dismally.
   Third, and finally, keep in mind that God works everything out for His glory. He is not a weak, anemic old man crouched in a throne somewhere trying to keep it all together. He is an ever consuming fire of bright and irresistible power. He is the one who lit stars hundreds of times the size of our sun. He is the one who has made whole galaxies that we have yet to see. He is not worried, scared, nervous, or anything of the kind.

   Heavenly Father, as we celebrate Easter we are reminded today more than any other of Your POWER. All that anyone might ever attempt to do against You all told would amount to little more than a single drop of water attempting to extinguish thousands of acres of blazing forest fires. And even that is inaccurate, for there is no possibility to express any exact comparison. It is pointless to try. We can rest this morning in Christ because Your Son has Triumphed Gloriously making a mockery of the evil one and all of his tricks. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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