Mark 1:42

Mark 1:42
   Notice two things here. First, the healing was actually accomplished after Jesus spoke, not after he touched the man. This reminds us that God has reached out to us while in sin. He does not wait for us to be better than we ever were to make contact. No, he reaches out to the lowliest, sickest, most sinful of humanity. He saves because he is good, not because we are worthy to be touched by his mighty hand.
   Secondly, the man’s leprosy departs, and he is cleansed. The man had asked for cleansing. And that is exactly what he gets from the Lord. Though the healing of the leprosy was mandatory for cleansing to take place, the two are mentioned as if they are separate. And why is this? Well, it serves to remind us that the Lord is able to rid us of the effects of sin, not just its presence. He did not look at this man and tell him he was healed, but that he would just have to live with the disfiguring effects that the leprosy had had upon his body. No, he healed him completely.

Bible Reading: Mark 11:1-12:44

Scripture Memory: James 5:10 “Take, my brethren, the prophets, who have spoken in the name of the Lord, for an example of suffering affliction, and of patience.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for giving us wisdom from your Word. May we always believe you and your truth. You show us the right way and give us the best plan. Lord, may we be humble to accept your truth. How can we turn our backs on your wisdom? You always know what will happen next. You are worthy of our absolute devotion! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

Prayer Requests: Pray for a man with bad knee pain. Pray for a man who has lost a lot of weight.

Journal Entry #15027

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